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Don’t Act Against Your Own Will!

When it comes to protecting your assets or taking care of your family – you want things to go your way. Now and in the future! But if you haven’t gotten around to putting together a Will, or you haven’t updated those documents you did years ago, you run the risk that when you’re gone; things won’t go the way you planned. It’s important to recognize that no matter how many or how few assets you have, if you’ve got something to give, you want to make sure it goes to who you want, the way you want. This is especially important if you have a spouse or children to take care of. Many people think that if something happens to them their husband or wife automatically gets everything – and that just isn’t the case in many states, including Massachusetts! If you die without a Will you’re considered to have died “intestate” – and the laws of your state will determine who gets how much.


Who Will Take Care of Your Kids if You Can’t?

The issue of who will be named caregiver of Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter may seem way beyond what happens in everyday life, but the reality is many people have no idea how things would play out if they suddenly weren’t around or able to care for their own children. No one wants to think about not being around to take care of their kids, but as a parent it’s something that really needs to be considered. Although you may not want to “go there,” not dealing with what could happen to your children if you suddenly became incapacitated or died is far worse. Imagine not having a say as to who would be stepping into your shoes and caring for your kids!


Parent and Grandparent Pitfalls – Does Your Estate Plan Really Protect The Kids?

When you have a will drawn up or buy life insurance you’re doing it to make sure your family is protected – in case something happens and you’re suddenly not around. And when there are minor children in the picture, it’s even more important to get your affairs in order. But many well-intentioned parents and grandparents don’t know some common pitfalls to avoid, and in the end the money never gets to the kids who need it, when they need it.


Caring for Elderly Parents

Even as adults, many people still rely on their parents to give them solid advice and help them when times are tough. So when the tables turn and adult children need to step in to take care of their elderly parents, it’s often very difficult for everyone involved. There are things you can do now, however, to help with that transition – whenever and if ever the day comes. (more…)

Making Funeral Arrangements

When a loved one passes, the last thing you should have to worry about is what legal concerns you may have regarding the funeral. Federal and State laws have been enacted to protect families, but many people have no idea what to look out for. First and foremost, you need to recognize that the time to familiarize yourself with the laws pertaining to funeral parlors is before you ever need to engage the services of one. Obviously if you are grieving the sudden passing of a loved one, you are far more vulnerable to the practices of an unethical funeral director. (more…)